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about our English worship services

Sunday 10:30am Service​
  • uses Rite II (contemporary language) of the Book of Common Prayer, the Episcopal Church's worship book that contains the standard orders of services

  • includes hymns and choral music (see more about this below)

  • includes the Eucharist (communion) every week

  • usually ends around 11:45am (earlier in the summer) and is followed by a time for coffee, food, and fellowship

Music during Worship
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Music at the 10:30 service is led by a volunteer choir of adults. They guide the congregation (which really is our largest choir) in a wide variety of musical responses during the service. Any number of styles will be found in the hymns, psalms, service music, anthems, and organ pieces each week. The choir does not vest (wear robes), but is placed just where it should be: in the center of the congregation. Much of the music the congregation and choir sing is done without accompaniment. In the words of John Calvin, “Singing has great strength and power to move and to set our hearts on fire in order that we may call upon and praise God with a more vehement and ardent zeal.” We hope that this is so each Sunday!


The 10:30 choir rehearses each Wednesday (September through June) from 7:30-8:45pm. Rehearsal is sometimes followed by compline (evening prayer). The choir also meets at 9:30 every Sunday morning for a final rehearsal of that week's music. The choir focuses on the hymns, psalms, and service music for each Sunday and usually sings several pieces independently. Music is chosen to highlight the themes of the lectionary, and the choir sings in many styles – from chant and Palestrina to spirituals and any number of contemporary composers and styles. All are encouraged to come and sing, regardless of your musical ability.




A restoration of St. Stephen’s original pipe organ was completed in early 2017 after not being fully functional for nearly 50 years. This restoration work was done by the Chesapeake Organ Company of Red Lion, Pennsylvania, and was funded largely by an anonymous donor. Now the visual brightness and freshness of a renovated sanctuary, completed just before the organ restoration, is complemented by the sounds and vibrancy of the renewed organ, which plays well as a solo instrument or as an accompaniment to congregational singing.


Other music leadership


Instrumentalists are always welcome to join in any of our Sunday music in any of a number of ways (percussion, guitar, strings, brass, and handbells). As our Godly Play program continues to grow, there are also more opportunities for children to participate in the music-making that is part of worship.

If you're attending worship with us for the first time, you can read about what to expect.


1525 Newton St NW
Washington, DC 20010
(202) 232-0900

Loaves & Fishes | St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church
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Worship times on sundays:

10:30am (English)

Misa Alegría (Spanish)

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