ministries and
small groups
Fellowship groups
Young Adults of St. Stephen & the Incarnation (YASSI)
YASSI is a group of 20- and 30-somethings who gather for fellowship and spiritual growth. During the Advent season, the YASSI group will be hosting compline on Sunday evenings. For more information and to stay informed of Young Adult activities, please email Kate or Hannah.
service groups
St. Stephen’s has two choirs. The choir that sings at the 10:30am worship service has a broad repertoire, including chant and other early church music, gospel, and modern. It rehearses every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 8:45 in the parish hall, plus Sunday mornings at 9:30am in preparation for the 10:30 service. Thursday rehearsals and singing at the Sunday service happen only during the academic year (choir takes the summer off). To join the choir or for more information, contact the church office at staff@saintstephensdc.org or 202-232-0900.
The Misa Alegria, our Spanish service´s choir sings on Sundays using Spanish-language music, often accompanied by the piano, keyboard or guitar. It rehearses on Monday evenings.
Pastoral Care Team
Comprised of parishioners and clergy, this group meets monthly for training and to support one another as we meet the pastoral needs of parishioners. Members of the team are available for hospital visits, taking communion to people who are home-bound, prayers and providing support for people in need of care.
For more information about receiving pastoral care or to be put on the parish prayer list:
Contact the church office at 202-232-0900 or staff@saintstephensdc.org
Loaves and Fishes
The prepared meal program of St. Stephen’s, which serves anyone in need on Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Monday federal holidays, seeks volunteers to help prepare and serve meals and to help with administrative functions such as fundraising, publishing newsletters, scheduling, and serving on the management board.
Loaves and Fishes is also always looking for volunteers to spend time with guests at its Sunday meal to share a reading from the Bible or to bring communion to anyone desiring the sacraments.
Washington Interfaith Network
St. Stephen's is part of the Washington Interfaith Network, a multi-congregation, multi-faith organization that organizes around community issues in Washington, D.C., including affordable housing, jobs, transit and immigrant rights.
Since the 1960s, St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church has been a center for progressive thought and action in Washington, especially in the Columbia Heights and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods, as well as in the Episcopal Church and in the larger society.
We invite you to become a part of our community as we strive to serve God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.