Looking to visit the church?
here are the basics if you're attending worship with us for the first time.
sunday worship times
in-person weekly and online for special services only; join via Zoom or YouTube Live
Misa Alegría (Spanish)
Getting here
Our address:
1525 Newton St NW
Washington, DC 20010
​We are at the corner of 16th St. NW and Newton St. NW in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of northwest Washington, D.C.
By car: Much of the area around the church is a dense residential area, but street parking can usually be found at most times of the day. Parking in the small lot between the church building and 16th St. is reserved for people with limited mobility, and a sticker, available from the church office, must be displayed in your car if you park there.
By public transportation: The closest Metrorail station is Columbia Heights, at 14th St. NW and Irving St. NW, just 3 blocks south and one block east of the church. Numerous bus lines run near the church, especially north and south on 16th St. NW, a major thoroughfare in the city.
What to expect at worship
A bit about the style of our Sunday morning worship services and what happens:
We follow a liturgy every week, which is a set order of the elements of the worship service – the hymns, Bible readings, prayers, sermon, etc. The liturgy we follow is from the Book of Common Prayer, which is the worship book of the Episcopal Church. (We’re quite traditional in this way.)
At the 10:30am service, we sometimes have an opening procession of worship leaders and sometimes use incense. (We’re quite formal in this way.)
We are a very musical congregation. The 10:30am service includes a lot of music. Music includes congregational hymns and parts of the liturgy accompanied by the organ or piano (and sometimes a cappella) and songs sung by the choir that range from classical to international.
We celebrate Holy Eucharist (communion) at every service and every week. The congregation as a whole gathers around the altar for communion at the same time. Children are included in communion (and may receive the bread and wine if they and the parents desire).

Getting to know you
Getting to know you: Meet our clergy.
Fellowship: After the Sunday 10:30am service, refreshments are always served in the Auditorium, the large room behind the altar area (go through the arches on either side of the altar). You are welcome to come and meet some of our members.
Sign up for our newsletter
Our weekly newsletter is emailed to members and visitors who sign up. It contains parish announcements and news - events, updates, happenings, etc.

What St. Stephen's is to me
I found the church I didn't know I needed. A church where I fully belonged, where my kids could belong, where we as a family belonged. St. Stephen's is the one place that unexpectedly, wonderfully, felt like coming home.
I don't take for granted what a blessing it is to have found this place. This small congregation in this beautiful, rickety, old building is the keeper of a particular tradition and revelation of the kingdom in this city, a very precious treasure in a very
fragile clay jar. And I want to help keep that treasure and fan back into flames that gift so that those others in the D.C. area who need this church can find it and find a home here too.
- Liz Foster, member
Photo: Liz and her daughter Mary