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search for our
new rector

For potential applicants


St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church is a diverse, welcoming community that feeds both
the spirit and the body as we build the presence of God through worship, service, learning, and striving for justice. We are a small but active congregation.

St. Stephen's is a vibrant and diverse urban parish. We have two congregations - English-speaking and Spanish-speaking - but we are one parish. Our active parishioners, our traditions, our location, and our large building offer many possibilities for growth.


The full, official job description for our open rector position can be found here (site is password-protected by The Episcopal Church's Office for Transition Ministry).


You can also learn more about our parish by looking around our website.

​​​​Have questions about the priest search?

Email the Senior Wardens, Erin Hutson and Atiba Pertilla, at

rector search documents


Job Description


Parish's Ministry Portfolio
(Office for Transition Ministry form)


Transition Model of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington that we are using



The basics: How this process plays out


Our parish is in the process of searching for our next permanent priest (with the title of rector).


The Episcopal Diocese of Washington is working with us in this process. The vestry serves as the formal search committee, but it is committed to making this a transparent process, involving the entire parish. The diocese has set up these steps for our search process:


1. The first step was working through hurt and conflict in the healing and reconciliation process. It also involved getting our finances fully audited and starting conversations about who we are and who we want to be as a parish.


2. The diocese worked with us to do a financial review of the church that included our compensation package for the prospective priest.


3. We offered the diocese a detailed job description that includes our must-haves and our negotiables.


4. The diocese worked with us on a “parish vitality assessment.” We evaluated ourselves along vital signs like “mission and vision,” “discipleship,” “financial practice,” “ministries,” “worship,” and “blessing our community.”


5. The diocese reviewed our website to make sure it matches our assessment of who we are. 


6. We produced a "parish profile" about who we are and how we worship. It’s what prospective priests will read as they’re getting to know us. 


The vestry has met with the diocese’s transition teams to review everything we’ve put together. We have posted a job description and are taking applicants and interviewing for our next rector.

1525 Newton St NW
Washington, DC 20010
(202) 232-0900

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Worship times on sundays:

8am (on pause) & 10:30am (English)

5:30pm Misa Alegría (Spanish)

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