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spiritual and service

parish operations

Volunteers with expertise or interest in a particular area are needed to serve on committees and groups to help keep the parish operating. These groups always welcome new members.

Finance committee
This committee meets virtually on the third Tuesday of every month. You don't have to be an accountant. Email or speak to John Payne, committee chair, or Sarah Padre, treasurer.


Offering counters

Be on the roster of people who count the offerings received at Sunday services. This role entails completing this task once a month for 30-45 minutes on Sunday mornings after the 10:30am service. Email or speak to Sarah Padre, treasurer.


Outreach team​

This committee comes up with ideas and implements them for reaching out to the community outside the parish to attract visitors and new members to St. Stephen's and to make them feel welcome when they attend worship or other events. Email or speak to Liz Foster if you are interested in serving on this team.


Liturgy team​

This team meets online monthly to plan and shape the Sunday 10:30am worship service and other services (such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Week and Christmas services). Aspects of worship that are regularly discussed are music selections; the logistics/flow of the service; the liturgies, readings and prayers that are used for particular days or seasons; space concerns (arrangement of the chairs, seasonal decorations, etc.); and creative ways to enhance our worship and service. Email or speak to Elizabeth Finley if you are interested in serving on this team.


Stewardship committee​

Among the functions of this committee are planning and implementing the annual giving/stewardship campaign in the fall. Email or speak to John Payne, committee chair, if you are interested in serving on this committee.


Vestry (committee that governs the parish)​

Read about the current makeup of the vestry and its responsibilities. Speak to a senior warden if you are interested in serving on the vestry (requires appointment by the vestry or being elected at the annual parish meeting).


Loaves and Fishes Management Board​

Read about Loaves and Fishes. While officially a ministry/program of St. Stephen's, the Loaves and Fishes operation is large and complex enough to warrant a separate committee that shapes and oversees the management of the program. Various sets of expertise are needed for this oversight and working board: fundraising, grant-writing, personnel, nonprofit operations, and more. Email or speak to Ed Grandi, one of the co-chairs of the Management Board, if you are interested in serving.

Since the 1960s, St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church has been a center for progressive thought and action in Washington, especially in the Columbia Heights and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods, as well as in the Episcopal Church and in the larger society.


We invite you to become a part of our community as we strive to serve God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Supporting worship and fellowship

Supporting the various worship services takes many people playing many roles. Volunteers are needed every week and every service to read lessons, prepare for communion, carry candles and crosses, among other duties. Coffee hour following the 10:30am service needs people to provide food and beverages and clean up.

Opportunities for Spiritual Formation for Adults

St. Stephen’s provides ways to explore and develop your faith outside of regular worship services.

Ministries and Small Groups

Outside of worship, there are a variety of groups for fellowship and service - ways to get to know fellow members and contribute to the life of the parish.

Spiritual Formation for Children

Children’s Christian formation at St. Stephen’s is built on Godly Play®, an approach that builds on the principles of Maria Montessori.

Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes, our hot meal program, has been providing hot meals since the late 1960s at noon on Saturdays, Sundays, Monday federal holidays, Christmas, and Thanksgiving – days when other soup kitchens are closed.

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1525 Newton St NW
Washington, DC 20010
(202) 232-0900

Loaves & Fishes | St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church
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Worship times on sundays:

10:30am (English)

Misa Alegría (Spanish)

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