Faith formation for children
(Sunday school)

Interested in volunteering with the children’s ministry? Would you like more information about the programs?
Contact the Rev. Yoimel Gonzalez Hernandez at rector@saintstephensdc.org.
Our program for faith formation for children has various parts based on the age of children:
Parent- and attendant-supervised care of infants and children up to age 3 during the service
At the back of the church (also called the sanctuary - our main worship space) are a rocking chair and board books. These are available for children and a parent/caregiver for quiet times during worship. The Marshall Room (to the left as you stand at the high altar) has a adult attendant for children during the worship service. There is a bathroom within this room.
Children ages 3-9
Christian faith formation for children at St. Stephen’s officially begins with this age group with Godly Play, an approach that builds on the principles of Maria Montessori. Leaders of Godly Play are trained in storytelling techniques that encourage children to enter into the depth of sacred stories, parable, silence, and liturgical action. Its goal is to help children be open to God all the time and in every place.
Children in Godly Play start the worship service with their families and leave the service shortly after it begins. They join the service again before the procession for communion so they can participate in the Eucharist with their families and other congregants (and several children participate in the procession to the altar, carrying the offering, bread and wine forward).