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supporting worship
and fellowship

Although we are led by a rector, a staff member who is paid to provide theological expertise and spiritual guidance, many roles in the congregation are carried out by lay people and volunteers. And in some respects, a church is a nonprofit organization, one that relies heavily on volunteers to carry out the daily and weekly activities. Below are some of the roles that need to be filled regularly by volunteers.


If you're interested in any of the roles listed below, contact the church office (202-232-0900) to be put in touch with the coordinator of these groups of volunteers who carry out these tasks.


For the latest information on current happenings, visiting the Events and News page, which is updated weekly.


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Helping at worship


Volunteers are needed for these roles:


  • greeter/usher (handing out bulletins as worshipers arrive, welcoming them, and helping visitors find the restrooms, etc.)

  • MC for worship - ensuring all roles are filled for an appointed Sunday each month and that each volunteer performs the appointed role (essentially a "stage manager" role)

  • worship leader - leading the prayers, creed, assisting the priest in serving communion (offering the bread and wine to worshipers)

  • Scripture readers

  • carrying the cross during processions

  • carrying the candles during processions

  • thurifer (incense)

  • singing in the choir

  • providing special music (such as during the offering or communion)

  • altar guild - preparing and caring for the communion linens

  • baking communion bread

  • serving communion

  • additional roles at occasional special worship services (carrying banners or streamers, being a reader, for example)


Supporting Fellowship


Every week after the Sunday 10:30am service, refreshments are served in the auditorium. And occasionally, special services and other events are held, and refreshments or a full meal are served to participants.


Volunteers are needed for these roles:


  • providing coffee at coffee hour (paying for coffee, setting up machine to brew)

  • providing light refreshments at coffee hour (includes setting up the food and other tables)

  • cleaning up after coffee hour - washing dishes, cleaning up room

  • bringing a dish to share after a special service or event (announcements will be made in advance, and volunteers will be called for before each event - no need to volunteer or sign up in advance with a particular coordinator)


Sign up to help!

supporting learning


Noon Forum meets each month (usually the second Sunday) after coffee hour, starting about 12:15, and going until about 1:30, in the auditorium.


Volunteers are needed to lead the forum. This could involve, for example, sharing your knowledge, facilitating a discussion, or introducing an organization or service opportunity. Some past forums were focused on the diaconate, rites of remembrance of the departed, Nicene Creed translations, the history of the Book of Common Prayer, bishops in the early church, the synoptic Gospels, the non-canonical Gospels, the Gospel reading for the day, and various service organizations. Feel free to use your imagination when proposing topics.


Contact Jim Frazer if you would be willing to lead an upcoming forum.

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