our vestry
Our lay leaders are our vestry and wardens (equivalent to a board of directors or council and chairs), who are elected by the congregation. The primary leader of the congregation is the rector/priest-in-charge.
Our Vestry
The wardens and vestry have ultimate authority and responsibility for the governance of the church, including the responsibility for parish property and financial affairs. In collaboration with the rector, the wardens and vestry are responsible for developing and executing policies that promote the church’s mission through worship, education, social action and service.
The Vestry’s Responsibilities
The vestry has primary responsibility for finances, the building, outreach, and parish life. Specifically, the vestry approves the annual budget and monitors its implementation and is responsible for the property of the parish.
While mission, evangelism, and stewardship are the responsibility of the whole congregation, the vestry and senior wardens, in consultation with the rector, guide and coordinate the congregation’s efforts in these areas.
As we search for a new, permanent rector, the vestry is functioning as the call committee, leading the search process.
The Senior Wardens' Responsibilities
Leadership of vestry: The Senior Wardens chair the vestry, including setting the annual calendar for vestry meetings and retreat, setting the agenda for each meeting in consultation with the rector, and chairing meetings. The Senior Warden also communicate vestry decisions to the parish.
Finance: The Senior Warden appoint the Treasurer, stewardship chair and others as needed. With the Parish Director of Operations and others, the Senior Warden establish budget-building, fiscal planning, and fundraising processes.
Current Members of the Vestry
Senior Wardens (contact them): Atiba Pertilla
​Junior Warden: Elaine Alston
Clerk: Carlos Rios
Liz Foster
Erin Hutson
Tony Lara
John Linn
Adan Luna
Sandy Ovalle
Claudia Pabo
Ex-officio: Michael Brown, Treasurer